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“Terror Monitor, a terrorism watchdog group, has posted a set of horrific photos depicting two allegedly gay men being stoned to death in Aleppo, Syria. This is just the latest in a series of killings enacted under the ISIS regime, who have called LGBTQ people the “worst of creatures.” The attack follows a similar attack in August, in which a crowd — including children — stoned two gay men to death, and a brutal attack earlier in October, in which four gay men were thrown from a rooftop to their deaths.

Terror Monitor has posted graphic images of the stoning here, but be warned: the images are disturbing.

The ISIS-linked Sharia Court in Aleppo has issued a decision to execute all gay men. “Daesh accuses people of being gay only on basis of some superficial information without any investigation,” civil rights activist Raed Ahmed recently told ARA News.”

Source: LGBTQNation